All community groups rely on their volunteer members to function, and Teignmouth Players are no different.

As a Society, we need members of all ages who are able to take an active roll in the many aspects of the smooth and successful running of our theatre.

We welcome new members and aim to develop skills. So, whether you are looking for an activity that gives you a new social circle of friends, or even maybe a taster of a possible new career, membership of Teignmouth Players will be a very rewarding pastime and opportunity to make new friends. We welcome all, and provide training, either in house and may even support training for a formal qualification.

Key areas include, but are not restricted to:

• PERFORMING Teignmouth Players stage a varied programme each year including comedies, thrillers, classics, one act plays and, of course, a traditional annual pantomime. Our audition process is open and transparent, with help and tips available to all in advance. Rehearsals are usually held over a period of 6-8 weeks.

• BACKSTAGE AND TECHNICAL Our lighting and sound department is equipped with some of the latest sound and lighting control equipment, much of which is fully compatible with industry standards. Our experienced technical crew and stage managers will be delighted to welcome and support those with experience, and those who are keen to learn.

• DIRECTING The intimate nature of the Ice Factory Studio Theatre allows for creativity and engagement with the audience that is not possible in larger ‘proscenium’ venues, and has proved incredibly popular with novice and experienced directors alike. Whether you are experienced in directing or would like to work alongside a director as an assistant, we will be delighted to hear from you. There are also opportunities to direct proscenium productions staged at the Pavilions Teignmouth.

* WARDROBE Our experienced wardrobe and props teams are responsible for providing, altering and maintaining costumes and props for all our productions. Sometimes challenging, but it is always rewarding to find the right costume or prop for the correct time period, and also encourages links with our friends in other Societies in the area.


There is a wealth of other opportunities, involving theatrical productions, and the support services needed to run a theatre including bar cover, front of house, administration tasks, box office support, premises maintenance and also our vitally important youth section, the long term future of community theatre in Teignmouth.


Members are a part of the future of Teignmouth Players, and membership gives you the opportunity to join in our activities – members (under 80 years of age) get free cover on Teignmouth Players' third party Insurance whilst in a production or working in the theatre.

You can take part in any of our Social events.

You can gain experience in many aspects of theatre life.

There is no charge to members for scripts or for rehearsal / working party teas and coffees.

Teignmouth Players publish a newsletter, Prompt, and this is available on-line via this website.

All this and more for just £10 per year for adult members – now that’s good value.


The Ice Factory Studio Theatre has excellent facilities including:- Comfortable 50 seat auditorium Rehearsal space Wardrobe Licensed bar and Coffee / Tea facilities


Why not join the Teignmouth Players and be part of what is happening – we’d love for you to come and join in the fun.